
The website for critical discussion about migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Ukrainian community in the Czech Republic

The study opens with an overview of statistical data on Ukrainian migration to the Czech Republic. The following chapters outline the objectives of the research as well as the methodology to be used. The research hypothesis is that the character of Ukrainian migration will change from circulating work migration to permanent migration. Another objective of the study is to verify classic theories of migration using the research sample. The methodological chapter details the tool to be implemented, i.e. questionnaires. The second part evaluates the results obtained. The results include a characteristics of migration of Ukrainians and their situation in the Czech Republic, confirmation of the research hypothesis and a reflection of theories of migration. A table characterizing the research sample is also included.
The research is a follow-up to similar researches carried out in 1995, 1996 and 1997.
The text is an article that appeared in Minorities and migrants in the Czech Republic (published by Portál).
28. 6. 04

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